Ready to Stop

Holding Yourself Back?

It’s Time to BE SEEN!

One-Day Only: This Free Summit Reveals the Secret Strategies These Entrepreneurs Used to Spread Their Message and Supercharge Their Brands - Without Changing Themselves


Revealing How To Turn Your Journey Into Your Greatest Asset

Hey friend! I see you 🌟. 

I know where you’re at on your journey, because I’ve been there myself. Right now, you’re holding onto a dream that’s almost bursting out of you, something you’re almost ready to share with the world. 

You’ve got your idea, maybe even a brand vision…

But whenever you think about making it a reality, there’s that nasty little whisper in the back of your mind… “Am I really ready to do this? How can I make this work? What if I’m not good enough?”

And that moment of self-doubt starts spiraling. The fear starts to take hold. You try to distract yourself - but everything you do just makes it just gets worse, until, in the end…

You put your idea back in the box, give up on making it a reality. 

I’ve got some news for you.

You’re not alone - and it’s your time to shine.

Hi there, I’m Jen Gottlieb.

I’ve helped thousands of people find their place, pushing past those years of self-doubt, and giving them the tools, the confidence, to take the next step on their road to success.

So if you’re tired of holding yourself back, of doubting what you can achieve…

If you’re ready to kick your fears to the curb, stop being the world’s best-kept secret, and start being the radiant superstar that you are… 

Then I want to give you a personal invitation.

On November 3rd, I’m getting together with some of the world’s leading lights for the BE SEEN Summit, an all-virtual show that’s all about giving you a roadmap towards your dreams - without compromising your authentic self. 

From personal brand experts to leading digital marketers, best-selling authors and major influencers, I’m bringing together a real rockstar lineup, because BE SEEN Summit is all about real talk, real fun, and real insights for you.

Let me introduce you real quick…

Meet the Experts & Unlock Their Strategies!

Gabby Bernstein

NY Times best-selling author and spirit junkie, Gabby Bernstein turned her passion into one of the most recognizable personal brands in the world. Declared as one of the next generation’s “thought leaders” by Oprah, Gabby’s podcast reaches over a million listeners each and every month. 

At the BE SEEN Summit, Gabby is going to show you why authenticity always beats perfection, show you how embracing your true self makes all the difference, and get you started with her exclusive strategies to make your brand pop. 

Jasmine Star

Business strategist turned entrepreneur, Jasmine Star empowers entrepreneurs to achieve the future they want for themselves, turning potential into actualized, real achievements. It all starts with your personal journey - where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going.

Jasmine builds blueprints for growth, turning the future from an unknown into a reachable reality. At BE SEEN Summit, she’ll show you how to turn you into your brand’s most valuable asset, and unlock the playbook for standing out in a saturated market. 

Lori Harder

Serial entrepreneur, CEO, and bestselling author, Lori Harder is all about empowering women to connect with their tribe, and build the connections that drive them forward in life, business and more. 

At BE SEEN Summit, Lori is going to dive deep on finding your purpose, grabbing the confidence to take that next big step forward, and how to build a network that really supports you as you make that move.

Lindsey Schwartz

Founder of the Powerhouse Women event and podcast, Lindsey Schwartz is about to spill her secrets on community-driven branding, and how to harness the power within you to figure out your purpose, beat imposter syndrome for good, and start building your personal community. 

Lindsey’s message is simple - we are better together. At BE SEEN Summit, she’s going to show you how to break down those barriers, and start building those connections, without ever having to sacrifice who you are as a person. 

Alli Webb

Founder of Drybar, and constant innovator, Alli Webb is the center of one of the most recognized personal brands in the beauty industry, and has been recognized by Fortune magazine, Marie Claire, Inc - a list that just keeps growing.

On November 3rd, Alli will bring you her story, showing how focusing on your brand can turn a ‘simple concept’ into an unstoppable force - and why staying true to yourself is absolutely essential for any entrepreneur.

Amy Porterfield

Digital marketing expert, Amy Porterfield is about to give you a masterclass in digital entrepreneurship at BE SEEN Summit, breaking down a few of the secrets behind her $85 million (and counting) in digital revenue, million-plus monthly podcast downloads, and countless other achievements.

If you’re ready to find out how to shape your brand, and take that leap to believing in your true potential, you’re going to want to listen to Amy, as she takes you through turning those dreams from directionless hopes into a meaningful path forward.

Secure Your Spot At the BE SEEN Summit!

Ready to join me at BE SEEN Summit?

Great news - all you need to do is click that button below, enter your name and email, then get ready for the event!

That’s it -  no ticket fee, no kind of hidden charge, just an unmissable, unforgettable event starring some of the most amazing people around.

Why am I not charging for this?

Because BE SEEN Summit is about making that difference for people like you. It's about giving you the path forward, showing you how to spread your true, authentic message.

So if you're ready to trust yourself, secure your place now!

© 2023 JEN GOTTLIEB, New York, LLC | 35 W. 15th Street, New York, NY 10011, United States of America

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